I Saw the Light

The following are other recordings of this song.

I Saw the Light  1981 Miscellaneous Mix (Buff, Ray, Bill, Nick, David, Barry, Annelle, Kathy) Solo: David, Duet: Buff & Kathy, lots of David’s banjo

I Saw the Light  1982 In-house Recording (Buff, Bill, David, Kathy, Annelle, Barry Ed) Solo: David, Duet: Buff & Kathy

I Saw the Light  recorded 6/29/1985 at Christ Community Church (Buff, Ray, Kathy, Bette, Joe, David, Darrel, Liz) Solo: Kathy

I Saw the Light  recorded 9/13/1985 at Harvey Cedars Men’s Retreat (Buff, Ray, Kathy, Bette, Joe, David, Darrel, Liz) Buff does solo (hooping, clapping, hollerin’) – Solo: Kathy, Duet: Kathy & Buff

I Saw the Light  1986 In-house recording (Buff, David, Kathy, Darrel, Liz, Phil, Beth)  Duet: Kathy, Buff  Banjo: David